En Espanol

Monday, August 17, 2015


Yoga has been around for thousands of years and has been gaining some steam in the past couple of years.  Regardless of what you've heard about Yoga, it is a relaxing way to get exercise into your day and its emphasis on breathing helps with stress management.  Lots of busy professionals are making it a part of their day!

Yoga, which means to yoke or unite, is the practice of uniting all aspects of a person—body, mind and spirit—through physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Flexibility, strength and muscle tone improve quickly as the mind and body work together in harmony and unison.

There are various types of Yoga to choose from.  Ranging from relaxation yoga to high level yoga with advanced postures and holds for strength or coordination.

Yoga is completely adaptable and a good yoga instructor will help you ease your way in.  Whether you consider yourself a fitness guru or you're finally deciding to get off your couch, you can get started today.

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