En Espanol

Monday, May 18, 2015


Nowadays, our world is flooded with the newest workout trends, "magic" weight loss pill, obstacle course races, and fad diets.  It almost seems like getting fit will take some kind of gladiator workout or extremely restricting diet.  Disregard the media and remember that the only thing that matters, is that you get moving!  Easy as that.  Just get moving.

What's the easiest way to get moving?  Walking!  Even if you already walk a little during your day, look at how you can step it up a notch and walk more or even walk faster.  Gradually increase the speed or length of your walk and you will start seeing improvements in your health.  Some benefits of walking are:

  • Anyone can do it!  Unless you have a debilitating injury that has you confined to crutches, bed, or a wheelchair, you can absolutely get up and walk a little bit.
  • Burn fat! Energy burned during walking is primarily fat.
  • It wakes up your glutes.  Glutes are the muscles that form your butt and are responsible for a majority of our body's strength and power.  When sitting for long periods of time they become dormant. 
  • It is a low impact activity. So it won't aggravate your joints as easily.
  • Stress relief.  A brisk walk will elevate your heart rate and increase levels of hormones that make you feel happy.  Extra points if you walk outside.  Exposure to sunlight also helps give you a pick me up boost to get through your day.

UCSD is a beautiful campus with plenty of beautiful scenery to enjoy and trails to walk.  However, here are some awesome events to get more walking in as well as socialize with the UCSD family.


When? Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Where? UC San Diego Town Square

More information and registration can be found at http://blink.ucsd.edu/HR/services/support/health/ucwalks.html


When?  Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m
Where? at the head of the snake just outside of the Geisel Library.

Employees from all over walk to meet at Geisel Library for a light stretch and movement activity.  No intense workouts here.  Just some stretching, self massage, and mobility exercises to get you limber, relaxed, and energized for the rest of your workout.

BONUS!  This Thursday, May 21 we will be handing out free FitLife T-shirts to attendees.  So tell your friends and bring them along!

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