En Espanol

Monday, April 20, 2015


What's the most valuable thing to all of us? TIME. More than likely, you've had to ask someone for a favor or to perform a task and the response you got was "I can't. I don't have the time." 

Chances are, you have the same answer when it comes to exercise. But here's the bright side, there is no written rule that states how much time you should be exercising or how much work you should perform.  You can make your workout as long or as short as you want! The most important thing is the intensity. If you work a little harder for less time, it's still better than nothing at all. 

Only have 15-30 minutes? No problem! You can still get a great workout! Make sure to at least take 5-10 minutes for a good warm up before the workout. If you've followed this blog or participated in FLO classes, you should have a good idea of how to warm up and stretch.

Regardless of how much time you have, you can modify the following workout to fit your schedule.  Not counting the 5 minutes you used to warm-up, the point of this workout is to do as much as possible in the time you are giving yourself (5-30 minutes).  The goal is to start short (5 minutes) and progressively increase the time of work as you get in better shape.  The beauty of these workouts is that it can help you measure how much you've improved!  So make sure to write down your score!

AMRAP - As many repetitions as possible

5 push ups (on knees if needed)
10 crunches
15 air squats
5 pull-ups (sit ups if you don't have a bar for a pull-up)
10 push-ups
15 air squats
The goal is to cycle through these 3 exercises as many times as possible in the time given whether it's 5 or 20 minutes.  Each round consists of 30 repetitions so if you finished 5 rounds, you've completed 150 repetitions.  If you ran out of time in the middle of your 6th round of squats and only finished 5 your total would be 170.  This is something you could test weekly or monthly as your schedule permits.

These are short & simple, but intense, workouts designed to test your abilities.  So give it your all and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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